In order to increase the student interest in sports, establish a good exercise habit, promote a positive spirit, and strengthen teamwork capability, we held the annual Creation Sports Game.There were eight categories in this event:Freeze Game,Spinning Wheels, Walking on Two Battens, Carrying Balls With the Back, Holding Ping-Pong Ball with Chopsticks, Relay Race, Tug of War,Huddling Game.Teachers and students both participated all the games and gave their utmost when it came to teamwork.
一二三木头人 Freeze Game
玩转车轮滚滚- Spinning Wheels
协力竞走 Walking on Two Battens
背部运球接力- Carrying Balls With the Back
夹乒乓球障碍跑 Holding Ping-Pong Ball with Chopsticks
奔跑吧 Relay Race
四向拔河 Tug of War
拼英文字母抱团 Huddling Game
All participants, no matter whether they were teachers or students, affected each other’s spirit. Everybody encouraged and cheered for each other in a very active and exciting at mosphere. It was not just a competition of strategy and strength, but rather a super competition of teamwork. The excellent cooperation among all participants made this event more recreational and exciting.
The Creation Sports Game combined traditional sports games along with more creative and recreational games. It was not just about providing a colorful campus for the students and teachers, but also enhancing teamwork spirit and cooperative capability, promoting the spirit of being united, reinforcing the honor of teamwork, and creating a cooperative culture within the Yinghua International School.